Jaiyoflow Testimonials

“I absolutely love Soozies style of teaching, and how she incorporates vibrational sound healing into her classes. The vibrational medicine is deeply healing and potent addition to movement practice. Along with her sophisticated sequencing and her vast understanding of Chinese medicine and the body, Soozies class will be one you wont forget! Her words give you a massage.”
— JB

"Soozie u changed my life. In life ways than u know. I am basically sober again now. Which I needed to be. But really, teaching yoga has reminded me who I am. And I never would have known that without u pushing me into training. Maybe kicking and screaming. But I needed that push. I will love u always anyway. But really that push has changed me."
— MK

“Recently I started taking Soozie's online classes. Soozie strives to make each class relevant and fun, and it doesn't feel like an online class. Her personality and warmth come through. It's like she's right here with me. I'm still struck by her preparation, dedication to her students, and willingness to help me to learn more and more about myself and my practice. “
— CK